Posts Tagged ‘net’

Well, I think today MUST be the day in which I have gotten the most done in WEEKS! Instead of just sitting in my chair behind this computer staring into space, I decided to only REALLY do that for about half the day… I did have English Muffins for breakfast (and hopefully tomorrows as well) which is always good. So after a quick lunch of…. Tiger bread sandwiches, jam doughnut and Cheese and Onion Hula Hoops, I decided to get started.

My first order of business was…. making a banner for my blog (not the one you see right now). This took me SOOO long on paint and then trying to guess what the dimensions were meant to be…. I didn’t see the small 2 lines of text telling me that it is 730 x 140…. oops…. After I wasted about…. ooo 30 minutes or more of my day on that , I went downstairs to do my next thing.

My next thing was none other than, Twister…. Yes, I was forced to play twister with my sister for about 30 minutes… So going with my sly tactics of sticking my legs onto the opposite end of the mat making it harder for my sister…. It did mean I ended up supporting about twice my weight on my thumbs because my sister was getting all her support from me…. DANG….

After a quick oat, white&milk chocochip and cherry cookie I went back upstairs to do some Internet browsing… I managed to get a Hula Hoop in my bin without trying and…. I changed my music which i had been listening to for the previous week pretty much. This was from…. Lemon Demon – Hip to The Javabean, Fullmetal Alchemist Theme song “Rewrite” and the DMC anime theme song, “D.M.C” to…. just about everything in my music library…. well… apart from Feeder, The Hives, The White Stripes, Smosh, Kaiser Chiefs and The Hoosiers…. I think that is all I missed…. OH and Flight of the Conchords… so I good mix. After a quick (and still going) MSN convo with Ben, I was given something which made me giddy with delight. This was Paint.NET. This is what I used to make my new and current Banner as well as some stuff you will see later… But I quickly threw together that banner THEN went back downstairs…

Alas, I had to play some MORE Twister… so it was more of the same pain and stuff…. I came back up the stairs and started to make the upcoming picture. Dinner interupted this however, and after a quick homemade pizza and another cookie AND some Merlin I began to make it…. I have only recently finished it… BUT here it is

Hey look it is Seth!

Hey look it is Seth!

There is a pencil colouring of this picture conveniently placed HERE

So that is it really…. The most I’ve done in a long time…. Well… I’d say so…

and now… some Legal stuff:

I didn’t come up with the idea of the banner at the top. The idea is mostly taken from Square-enix’s Final Fantasy series, specifically Final  Fantasy 7 which is where I got the slightly edited picture from. I do have anything to do with Square-enix at all. Their idea completely I just shaped my idea around it.
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