In Youth is Pleasure!

Posted: 07/05/2010 in Gaming, General, Playing Games, Xbox360
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New Song I like:

I do like that song, quite a bit. Some/all of you may just call it repetitive and boring. The guitar is pretty jazzy as well.

Well, I would like to think I’d update with something… fairly interesting, so I don’t think I’m going to mention everything I did,

e.g. Today I woke up and got some toast, it was white toast. It was a little burned. I then got changed and went to school. Whilst at school I went and blah blah I then did blah blah blah. I tehn bleh bleh Blarglemsdsmlse.

Sound familiar? Look at the last year and a half…  I know I’m sounding depressive… again… I just don’t know why…

I can rarely remember what happened…  But here goes.

In terms of school, not much has really happened. My understanding of politics improved by a General Studies lesson, that I actually quite enjoyed… Just cause it was actually interesting. I can normally just bluff my way through talking about politics, talk with an air of confidence and people will believe you, even if it is all complete BS. That’s what being a politician is, isn’t it? Oooh, satire.

There was an election.  I heard it was a pretty important election as well. The School mock General Election! Alas Conservatives won with 300 something, then Lib Dems with 200 something and then Labour with 100 somethings.

Then there was this ACTUAL election. Thankfully comedy shows can finally stop being Impartial (big words like that make you look like you understand politics) which was quite funny with the Channel 4 alternative election night. The exit poll looked like it was gonna be a hung parliament  with Conservatives having more seats… but still chance of Labour getting in power. Turns out, yeah… that happened, despite the last few seats were being filled in around 4pm today.

There is only one chair un-filled… that’s cause one guy died…. who was running, not a good campaign… but that means they had to reschedule. I would say my views on it all, but I’ve been told that I’m crazy for not thinking about voting Tory… They’re wrong, I’m just not rich… or a farmer… or a rich farmer… or hate foxes…. Plus I’ve already been talking politics with the family (Brother and Father… as well as being talked OVER by my mother whenever I opened my mouth…)

During the election period I thought it’d be fun to stay up all night. I got to 2:30am and gave up… I managed to pass the time by talking to Kevin Eastman and together being jerks to Bethany Hulls… just because she was STILL being annoying… like some people just need to get over things, ya know…

I just felt like she was perving on me… and I don’t like to be perved on… I have the feeling to suddenly wear lots of clothing that shows NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL! EVER! It makes me feel unclean and what not… It’s so bad when I feel like people are looking at me or down my top or something….

I got a hefty 3.5 hours sleep. I would’ve gone left, but the main problem is that I realised I had double Mrs Smith in the morning… It was FUCKING BORING! I had the urge to force a drill through my eyes.

I swear there was more to my life… I’ve been all spirally, I think there’s something wrong with me.

Um, things seem to be going well, I think at some point I talked with people like Chloé and people. Like today, the main thing that I remember is that….. last weekend Ben screwed us out of a trip to Iron Man 2. This weekend we got screwed out of going due to Max and his long hair!

Oh well, today was okay. Period 6 I spent talking with Max, Lauren and Sophie (WHAT A BITCH SHE IS!!! (That was a joke, because it got onto the topic of my blog and I said that I wouldn’t say anything bad about her)). Which was a laugh!

Towards the end Chloé came in and I talked with her about Iron Man 2 and films ‘n’ stuff, that was grand.

I then had a WONDERFUL “conversation”  with Mia on the way out of school instead of talking with Tom Baines. Man that was fun and ever so insightful.

I also today started to play Modern Warfare 2 on Veteran. Where I finished the “No Russian” level. I didn’t shoot anyone, ‘cept the guys with the riot shields, for lulz. In Cliffhanger I also managed to awesomely plant the C4 without being noticed or killing anyone… and their senses are much stronger on Veteran than Hardened….

  1. joethearachnid says:

    I have all the MW2 achievements… for single player, anyway. Spec Ops has a tendency to rape you soundly unless you have another person there to help you.
    Also, I can see your nipples…

    • Does EVERYONE perv on me?! I know I’m sexay, but SERIOUSLY!
      Spec Ops isn’t that hard, you just have to be good at sniping.
      The only Achievement in Single Player I don’t have is finishing The Pit in under 30 seconds, I got 32.1 seconds… and that was because I went to knife but mistimed it by about half a second… so I had to waste a load of time waiting for him to swing again… stupid Pvt. Allen, glad he died!
      Well, I also have none of the Enemy Intel ones, I REALLY CBA in getting all of them.

      • joethearachnid says:

        There’s like two levels in Spec Ops in which you snipe. The rest have you defending a point or doing an objective, both of which are much easier if you have a friend to a) kill dudes and b) revive you if you die. Nothing beats getting 90% of the way through something tedious before dying and having to start again.

        • Chris says:

          Yeah, a level, which you NEED 2 people (it say so), that my brother and I got annoyed with was the one where you run through the sleepy little farm town as you get shot at by doods whilst the other is in teh big Gun ship in the sky shooting at everyone. That one gets REALLY nerve frazzling when you get near the end to die… I assume you know which one I’m on about, cause it’s based on one of the CoD4 levels where you do both bits….

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