Posts Tagged ‘no’

Well, it is 8:07pm and I have done NO work… instead, I have eaten ice cream… Dinner… and browsed the internet for like a few hours looking for a new anime to watch…. grr…. I have deduced that I am royaly screwed…. However, I shall try and get a colour study done BEFORE Heroes… or at least start one……

In other News Obama won.

I also spent a Media lesson doing nothing but drawing a pirate… which I might post tomorrow…. maybe

I also heard (read) that there is going to be a Gears of War 2 MARATHON on Gamespot today, at 10pm….

I’m also going to be ill… big time…..Time to work…. I hope ='(

Today seemed like such a good day… but unfortunately it was ruined by the car trip home…..

The reason it was good was because my French lesson we did no work and I kinda zoned off for about half the lesson…. we got an answer for something…. then I leaned on my hand, and then the lesson was over…. Also, in DT we got hardly anything done as well…. Drama…. was just gay because no one knew what they were doing… at all….. Media was also gay because our subbed lesson included no work, which is fine, but what isn’t fine is having teachers CONSTANTLY hovering behind you… the substitute teacher was always standing behind me, so I couldn’t talk…. In the normal lessons the teacher doesn’t teach us but instead I end up getting the helper lady DASH over and ask, “Are you getting on all right?” just CONSTANTLY! Also in media, it seemed to be colder IN the class room than outside… I know this because I walked from my form room to my media room which involved going outside…. It was fairly bearable… THEN when I enter the room I’m suddenly shivering LOADS as is everyone else…

The reason this good day was ruined was because in the car…. it was too gloomy to read my book, damn you British weather…. I don’t think we are going to get any sun from now til Spring…. Not only that…. but because of all the mist in the car (water evaporated off our bodies) my dad had to pull the windows down at a junction…. Unfortunately we were near a farmers field… and it had recently had some poop put on it…. I got hit by that wave of air HARD…. I gagged from the smell…. Then I couldn’t breathe for a while because of the smell…..

So yeah, time to MAYBE get some art done…. I didn’t get any done yesterday because I didn’t think my brother and I would be playing Gears of War for so long… Good thing is…. I didn’t wake up on the floor….